Artist Spotlight: Composer, Jem Talaroc


We’re introducing the composers we’ve commissioned for the “5 Composers/1 Theme” project. Next up under the spotlight is Jem Talaroc! Watch the premiere of his work and our four other composers on Saturday, Oct. 16 at 7:30 p.m. PST (Sunday, Oct. 17 at 10:30 a.m. Philippine Standard Time) via Facebook Live.


1. When Jem was a kid, he and his siblings studied classical piano.

He was 5 when he had his first lesson. Jem says he wasn’t a bad pianist, but admits he hated it a bit as a kid. He remembers refusing to go to his weekly lessons and preferring to play and watch TV at home. Jem later warmed up to music. Years later, he discovered the guitar and had aspirations to become a drummer. Looking back on his piano experience now, Jem is grateful for every minute of his weekly lessons. They’ve become invaluable to him as a composer.

2. Jem majored in composition as an undergrad, but he didn’t plan on that.

He originally planned on majoring in piano, but felt he wasn’t good enough as a player. Jem eventually gravitated towards a major in composition at Silliman University in Dumaguete, a city in the Philippines’ Negros Orientale province. While he’s still unsure as to how he chose his major, he has no regrets!

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3. While in his teens, Jem played keys for a few bands.

At 13, joined his first band as a keyboardist. After transferring schools at age 15, Jem started another band as its drummer. This second band explored several different genres, playing covers of popular pop, punk and even screamo songs.

4. Jem has experience writing for musical theatre and dabbles in songwriting.

He was musical director and composer of “Mangayaw,” a musical that launched national quincentennial celebrations of Filipino hero Lapu-Lapu’s victory over forces led by Ferdinand Magellan at the Battle of Mactan. Jem also writes and shares “self-indulgent” songs that he’s written on YouTube as his “Carl Mojeta” alter ego.

5. Jem’s fascination with the avant-garde isn’t confined to music. It also extends to its cinematic counterpart.

He is a voracious consumer of film, especially of art-house films and film scores. Although he already has IMDb credits, he hopes to do more work in the film medium.

Watch the premiere of new compositions by Jem and other composers on Saturday, Oct. 16 at 7:30 p.m. PST (Sunday, Oct. 17 at 10:30 a.m. Philippine Standard Time) via Facebook Live.


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